Feb 9, 2010

Mystery in Triangulo

I have been spending a little time lately wondering who has moved into the apartment building across the street from us in the Triangulo neighborhood.  Roughly two months ago, we were on our way to school and as we backed our SUV into the street we noticed a uniformed policeman standing in the middle of the three-way intersection outside our front door.  It was strange to see him there as we live in a small neighborhood between two major traffic areas in the northeastern quadrant of the city but it is an upscale location and there is virtually none of the commotion that you commonly find in the rest of Tegucigalpa.  Later that day, we arrived home to find that he was now absent from his morning post.
That night, I happened to look out the bedroom window on my way to bed and noticed our policeman back in the middle of the street but this time he seemed to be joined by two men who were dressed in the customary bodyguard/security guard garb which typically includes a pocketed vest like you often see on cameramen or fishing enthusiasts.  Day after day this trio became common place in front of our building - mostly during the early morning and late night but occasionally at various other points in the day.  It has only been on rare occasion that I happened to spot the center of all this attention: a young looking, seemingly Honduran man who is always dressed in athletic style gear.  This, along with his slight stature, has led me to assume he is involved with one of the various soccer teams that are immensley popular throughout the country, possibly the national team which recently qualified for the World Cup and set off a frenzy throughout Honduras. 
Another peculiar aspect to the mystery man's presence over the past two months is the fact that the vehicle in which he is transported each day has never been equipped with license plates. The very clean Toyota Prado SUV has highly tinted windows like many vehicles around the city and seems to be the vehicle of choice among many of the extremely well-off Hondurans we see every day at the American School. Armed bodyguards are also nothing unusual around here but seeing two armed men in plain clothes teamed with a uniformed policeman who is packing a shotgun and a handgun is a slightly less common sight.
Today we had a sighting of the mystery man as he left his building around 4:30 pm with his three handlers.  This time I was fortunate enough to be able to capture the entire episode on camera.

It's interesting to have a little neghborhood mystery once in a while.  It's just a little unsettling that it involves a crew of men with some serious firepower.


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